Cruise Makruzz
Makruzz always remains the first choice for passengers for traveling between Port Blair, Havelock and Neil Island. Usually there are 2 trips in a day, One in the morning and one in the afternoon. timing frequently change according to administrative orders. Sailing of makruzz depends on the weather condition and most likely it is not allowed to sail in rough weather. it has a decent seating capacity of 333 seats.
Cruise Green Ocean
Green Ocean
green ocean seaways is the only vessels in the lot that sails in almost every weather unless it is cyclonic. it is one of its kind as it offers open deck to the passengers so as to enjoy the scenic beauty of the journey. travelling by green ocean is definitely going to be a memorable one. sails twice a day morning and evening. this vessel may not look much fanciful yet it is comfortable and premium. Having a seating capacity of 316
Cruise Sea Link
Sea Link
Sea link vessel stands pleasantly different with its friends in the sector in terms of its appearance and class. sails between all the 3 major sectors of south Andaman twice in a day. premium travel and good hospitality. this vessel is imported from Singapore. having a seating capacity of 196